Heart Agency


The Structure is Rotten Comrade

‘La Structure est pourrie camarade’ (The Structure is Rotten Comrade)


Yann Kebbi collaborated with the writer, Viken Berberian to create this 330 page comic book, ‘La structure set pourrie, camarade’ (The Structure is Rotten, Comrade) published by Actes Sud in French and Fantagraphics in English.

It’s an absurd and surreal story set in the Armenian capital Yerevan and  follows Frunzik, an architect and university professor who lectures his students about the principles of good design and his love of cement. Meanwhile, Yerevan is in the middle of a building boom, the historic city is being replaced. Frunzik’s father, Mister Cement is responsible for this controversial urban plan. The city’s inhabitants are outraged at the destruction and a revolution ensues…